sound installation
Production: Tempo Reale, SpazioErsetti
Uneven is a site-specific sound installation designed for the Politi hall of Palazzo Politi-Camavitto in Udine presented as part of the exhibition ” sound on display”. The installation is inspired by a sketch made by Leonardo Da Vinci to explain the acoustic phenomenon of the echo and by other Da-vincian studies in which parallels are introduced between the reflection of sound and light. The sound installation consists of an invisible intervention that has 6 large windows that illuminate the frescoed hall of Palazzo Politi as active sound diffusion surfaces.
The 6 large windows, arranged on two opposite walls, are transformed into a sound diffusion system through the application of micro sound exciters, which exploit the resonance property of the glass.
To explain the acoustic phenomenon of sound reflection, Leonardo represents a horn player between two walls, built to repeat and multiply the acoustic signal produced by the instrument.
Starting from a displacement and elaboration of the elements represented in Da Vinci’s sketch, the installation enacts a particular listening dimension interacting with architectural elements and singular acoustic effects present in the Politi room. The installation device opens up to an experience of the perception of space in relation to sound, playing with one of the most “popular” phenomena of sound reflection: the echo.

Sketch with description of the echo phenomenon (from Manoscritto B | 1484 | Leonardo da Vinci)

Come si debe fare la voce d’eco, che per ogni cosa, che tu dirai, ti sarà molte voci risposto. Braccia 150 da l’uno all’altro muro: la voce ch’esce del corno si forma ne la contrapposta parete, e di lì, risalta alla seconda, e dalla seconda alla prima, come una bal[l]a, che balza fra due muri, che diminuisce i balzi, e così diminuissce la voce. La voce, partita da l’omo e ripercossa ne la pariete, fuggirà di sopra, se arà ritenaculo di sopra a essa pariete con angolo retto; la faccia di sopra, rimanderà la voce inver la sua cagione.